Úprava stránky MeetingCC20110824

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Riadok 1: Riadok 1:
== Meeting with Creative Commons 20110824 ==
== Meeting with Creative Commons 20110824 ==

'''Attendees:''' Jonas Öberg (CC), Zuzana Adamova (Intellectual Property Law Institute), Marek Mahut (SOIT)
'''Attendees:''' Jonas Öberg, Zuzana Adamova, Marek Mahut

=== Meeting minutes ===
=== Meeting minutes ===
Riadok 10: Riadok 10:
* Marek presented thought about SOIT's role in the affiliation, which includes mostly community building
* Marek presented thought about SOIT's role in the affiliation, which includes mostly community building
* Zuzana is working on roadmap draft, but this is proven difficult given the dependency on legal situation in Slovak Republic
* Zuzana is working on roadmap draft, but this is proven difficult given the dependency on legal situation in Slovak Republic
* Jonas reminded it is discouraged to start translations before CC 4.0 is agreed upon
* Zuzana agreed and mentioned her plan to organize a conference with public discussion at the end of the year
* Jonas would like to see the roadmap including SOIT as participant
* Marek mentioned building a strong CC movement in Slovak Republic before legal changes might help us

=== Action items ===

* Zuzana: Contact Martin and inform him about current situation and find out if he is still interested
* Marek: Setup an initial meeting with Zuzana before CC Summit to review the roadmap
* Marek: Prepare a proposal for meeting structure

=== Recording ===
* Zuzana should contact Martin and inform him about current situation and find out if he is still interested
* Marek to setup an initial meeting with Zuzana before CC Summit
Meeting recording is available upon request.
* Marek to prepare a proposal for meeting structure

Prosím berte na vedomie, že všetky príspevky do cc.soit.sk môžu byť upravované, skracované alebo odstránené inými prispievateľmi. Ak nechcete, aby Vaše texty boli menené, tak ich tu neuverejňujte.

Týmto sa právne zaväzujete, že ste tento text buď napísali sám, alebo že je skopírovaný z voľného diela (public domain) alebo podobného zdroja neobmedzeného autorskými právami (podrobnosti: cc.soit.sk:Autorské práva). NEUMIESTŇUJTE SEM BEZ POVOLENIA DIELA CHRÁNENÉ AUTORSKÝM PRÁVOM!

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